مطالعه کتاب Karbala and Ashura
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دانلود کتاب

مشاهده صفحه کامل دانلود

Karbala and Ashura


Author(s): Ali Husayn Jalali

Publisher(s): ‫ Qum ‫ : Ansariyan Publications ‫ , 2005 ‫ = 1384.

Category: Imam al-Husayn and Karbala

Topic Tags: Karbala Muharram martyrdom Aashurah

Person Tags: Imam Husayn (a)

ISBN: ‫ 9643833745

Congress Classification: ‫ BP41/5 ‫ /ج8ک4 1384

Dewey Classification: ‫ 297/9534


Followed by Ziyarah of Ashura and Ziyara of WarithA brief yet documented narrative of events that took place in Medinah, Mecca, Karbāla’, Kufah, and Syria, and began in Rajab, 60 A.H. (680 CE) and ended in Muharram 61.

Publisher’s Word

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

فإنی لا أری الموت إلا سعاده والحیاه مع الظالمین إلا برماً.

الإمام الحسین (ع)

“Indeed I do not see death [for freedom] as but happiness, and living with unjust people as nothing but grief.”

Imam Husayn

61/680 CE

This book holds a brief yet documented narrative of events that took place in Medinah, Mecca, Karbāla’, Kufah, and Syria, and began in Rajab, 60 A.H. (680 CE) and ended in Muharram 61. These events represented the ever greatest revolution against tyranny and oppression—a revolution led by Imam Husayn, son of Imam ′Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Lady Fatimah az-Zahra, and grandson of Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon them all.

The Ansariyan Publications, as being always asked by the gentle readers to publish a book relating the whole story of Imam Husayn’s revolution and martyrdom, is pleased to introduce this work of Mr. ′Ali Husayn Jalali who looked into the most considerable reference books dealing with the events of the battle of Karbāla’ and chose the most important chapters of this tragic saga in a simple, comprehensive way.

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